Thursday, June 07, 2007
Deep Thoughts
So, as I'm sure all of you know, Paris Hilton has been released from jail. I would by no means describe myself as a Paris Hilton fan, but I must say I really feel sorry for her. I am a big believer that you cannot judge another person until you walk in their shoes. What would I be like if I was born into her filthy rich family and became famous at such a young age? Who knows. I can't pretend to know because I really don't have a clue.Some people laugh about her 3 day stint in jail. She was in isolation for 23 out of 24 hours of every day in a tiny, nasty little room only accompanied by her own thoughts. Surely that would be enough to teach anyone a lesson. And Paris isn't out completely free -- she has been sentenced to 40 days of house arrest. And I'm sure there's plenty of probation after that. No matter how lavish the home, I am sure it would be tough to not be able to leave it for 40 days.
People that commit heinous crimes roam free in our society. People in every town in America live in poverty most of us cannot imagine, starving and without healthcare. We have a war going on where innocent civilians die daily. Perhaps our attention would be better spent being outraged about something else.
Anyway, yes, I am sure Paris needed a reality check and I think she probably got just that. I think her time in jail will leave a lasting impression. Perhaps I am wrong, but I'm not ready to hang her just yet.
Labels: celebs
posted by Anisa @ 12:41 PM |