Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

I have always loved Halloween. From being a clown to a witch to a 50's lady with a giant pink beehive, I have many good memories of this day.

My favorite Halloween memories are of my childhood. I loved getting lots of attention from my mom as she would put make-up on me appropriate to my outfit. Then, my dad would take us around the neighborhood. The absolute best part was when we got home and dumped out all our candy.

All of us picked out our favorites and would begin eating the mini-sized candy bars and such. I never wanted those strawberry candies. Ew. I'm talking about the ones with the wrapper that looks like a strawberry also. And of course, we would throw away candy that wasn't appropriately wrapped. Why do people give kids baggies of candy? They're obviously going to throw them away! But what wasn't thrown away was devoured by me within the week. I still can't control myself around candy!

Anyway, I know there are people that don't allow their kids to celebrate this day for whatever reasons. They say it's a Satanic holiday or whatever. Or that it's unhealthy for kids to eat so much candy.

My opinion is that this day is nothing more than an excuse to dress up and eat gobs of candy. Come on, people! Allow your kids to eat excessive sugar on the major holidays! And I pity the poor child that's not allowed to play dress-up. It makes me sad when the simple pleasures in life are taken away one by one.

Everything's not so complicated. Especially not dressing up like a princess and collecting candy.
posted by Anisa @ 11:55 AM |


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