Thursday, December 15, 2005

TGI...It's Not Friday?!

I've been having the same thought all week...why is it not Friday? I have thought it was Friday today, and every other day this week, I thought it was Thursday.

I guess it's that antsy feeling of knowing that in a little over a week, I will have an entire glorious week off from work! I'll be in Mississippi for most of it, and I am thrilled to get to see my family and old friends soon!

And one of these dear old friends just got engaged that I want to say a huge congratulations to. Congrats, Katie! Friends like her don't come along every day, and she deserves all the happiness that comes her way.

I also appreciate everyone's kind words yesterday. I would say that I can't believe strangers would offer such kind words of encouragement, but you are no longer a stranger to me. So many of you have become friends. In this modern world of impersonal communication, we have found each other. We have made connections.

I'm just feeling grateful today. The trees have created what looks like a magical world outside with the icicles dripping from their branches.

It reminds me of my favorite line in a book, Ethan Frome, where the author describes pine cones peeking out from the snow and how they looked like "ornaments of bronze." I'm trying to see the joy and the beauty in things too.

It's not Friday, but it's getting close. I'm excited for the weekend, but I'm trying to savor today. I'll never have December 15, 2005 again.

So I'm going to make the most of it.
posted by Anisa @ 11:46 AM |


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