Thursday, December 01, 2005

Just A Thought

I don't know what I've done to screw my karma, but so many people have been mean to me in the past 24 hours! God, whatever I did, I'm sorry!!

The latest of the aforementioned events is a comment that greeted me this morning. I felt that it deserved its own response.

Anonymous said...
how can you eat haraam food i.e. weightwatchers chicken and broc ready made meal? you call yourself a muslim? shame on you.

You know, I've spent a lot of time and energy trying to facilitate better relations between Muslims and non-Muslims. I try to show others the beauty and simplicity of this religion that I follow. I have to defend my religion, and tell people that the terrorists don't represent the rest of us. I have to explain that the Nation of Islam isn't the same thing as Islam. I spend energy letting others know that there is a difference between religion and culture. And now I have to defend myself to another Muslim.

I believe that meat is halal (this means acceptable to eat) as long as I say a blessing over it. I don't eat pork or any animal that eats other animals (sharks, etc.) just like I have been taught. People believe different things. I believe that if I say a prayer over the food, it is just fine for me to eat. The Qu'ran says that the name of God must be said over meat in order to make it lawful. So I do just that.

It's the same way that I don't believe it is required to wear the hijab, but I respect those that choose to do so. I don't believe it is required to eat only meat that is stamped halal or kosher, but if I am having company that does, I will cook in accordance with that. I respect differing views.

You say "you call yourself a Muslim?" You damn right I do.

Why? Because all that is required for someone to be a Muslim is for them to believe that there is one God and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His apostle. Done. Finito. You're a Muslim.

But I carry it further than that. I pray, I fast, I give charity. I educate people about Islam. I have even converted someone into this religion (Bert). And I don't knock down other Muslims.

Perhaps you missed the last paragraph in my last post. You may want to re-read it. We are all human. And maybe if we all realized that, the world would be a better place. Let's embrace not only our similiarties, but also respect our differences. Let us realize we are all part of the same community, this Planet Earth.

But let's just say for the sake of argument that it is a sin for me to eat Weight Watcher's chicken (which I'm not 100% sure is meat anyway) and whatever else meat I consume. I'm not sure, but I have a sneaking suspicion on the Day of Judgment that God will ask you why you were judging others. And I doubt He'll ask me about what kind of meat I ate.

Just a thought.
posted by Anisa @ 9:06 AM |


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