Friday, November 18, 2005


I love feeling like I have checked a million things off a to-do list. And I don't think anything makes me feel better than to have a really, really clean house. Once the house is clean, I feel like a giant checklist has been completed.

I went home for lunch innocently enough. I was FREEZING, so I made myself some Chicken and Rotini soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. I was just relaxing, when all of a sudden I decided to clean out the horribly messy closet in our study/guest room/Ariana's room/spare room/office/room Bert goes in when we fight.

And then I couldn't stop.

The bathroom's shining, the floors are sparkling, laundry is about done. You name it - I did it. And I feel fabulous.

This is going to be a nice weekend because I won't have to think about cleaning the house. This is good because this is The Big Bad Closet Swap Weekend. That's right, everyone. It's time to fully bring in my winter clothes to my closet and put my summer clothes in the aforementioned spare room.

It makes me want to scream just thinking about it.

But I sure am glad the house is clean. What makes you feel so accomplished? For me, it's when I feel like everything is in order. I don't have a pile of paperwork at home or work, my purse doesn't resemble a portable garbage can and everything's clean.

Oh, and the fact I just got accepted into graduate school feels pretty good too.
posted by Anisa @ 3:19 PM |


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