Thursday, November 10, 2005

Back Away From My Modem

The Computer Guy took away my internet for two hours this morning. I was prepared, but when the moment came for it to be gone at 9:00AM EST, I felt so disconnected in every sense. I was alone at work, I couldn't be online and I didn't really have anything to do.

Or so I thought.

From 9-11 this morning, I got an unbelievable amount of work done. I finished a project that was due over a month from now. I paid bills, made phone calls, watered the plant and took out the garbage. I found things to do that got me off my butt. It was amazing!

When it came time to get back online (yes, I know I'm in the Dark Ages with dial-up), I was actually busy. I was WORKING, people! I was caught up with work, so I got ahead. It felt wonderful.

It made me wonder how much more productive we would be without relying so much on the internet, television and telephones. Would I get more done if I wasn't trying to rearrange my life around the season premiere of Trading Spouses?

And on a side note, that was some of the best television I've seen in years. Marguerite is a disgusting woman and I hate her. Talk amongst yourselves.

But seriously, what else would get done? Would everyone's yards be perfect if their husbands weren't busy watching College GameDay? Would we visit our friends and family more if we didn't rely so heavily on phone calls and emails?

Yeah, probably, but don't take away my internet! Or TV! Or telephone (especially not my new camera cell phone)! Or my iPod!

I mean, I fold laundry while watching TV. Why shouldn't I at least be entertained by the villains on The Young and the Restless while I pair socks together? And while we might get extra work done without all these amenities, what would we do to relax? And it's great to be able to email and call people so we can stay in touch more frequently.

Like everything else in life, it's finding that balance.

While I don't want to be one of those people at Target who listen to their iPods instead of dealing with humankind, I am very happy to rock out to Gwen Stefani at the gym. And believe me, I am happy I got all that work done, but even happier that my annoyingly slow dial-up is back.
posted by Anisa @ 2:10 PM |


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