Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Attack of the Halloween Candy

It's no secret that Bert's students adore him. Between calling him "fine" to substitute teachers and hanging out with him before school, he figured they would bring him a ton of Halloween candy. I thought there was no way they would do that; candy is like gold!

Boy was I wrong.

Not only did they bring him candy, but they brought him only really good candy. Smarties, fun size Kit Kats, fun size M&Ms, fun size Heath Bars and more filled up our tray in the center of the dining table.

Oh, did I mention full size Take 5 bars? I had never had those before and they are SCRUMPTIOUS.

So, I haven't weighed myself in about three days. And three days ago, I was really happy with my weight. This morning right before I stepped into the shower, I got on the scale.


If that scale could've spoken, it would've scolded me.

Damn that candy.

It feels like every holiday is like this: engorge and then starve. I mean, I don't know about you, but my family holidays are centered around the big meal! And for Halloween, there isn't even a's just candy and tons of empty calories and fat!

So here I am, in "detox," as I call it. I must eat healthy and get rid of these few pounds I managed to pick up in three days.

But it sure was fun eating all that candy!
posted by Anisa @ 10:57 AM |


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