Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Price of Beauty

I have on beautiful new earrings that my grandmother sent me, and I even disinfected them and my ears with hydrogen peroxide. It didn't work. My ears already hurt, but I refuse to take out these large gold creations.

And I can't help but remember all the other things I've done that really were pretty uncomfortable for the sake of beauty. Pantyhose and girdles top the list. Ladies, isn't it the worst when the control top gets too low and you have that bulge that makes you look worse than before? Yikes! I need to get some Spanx...supposedly they are much, much better.

And thongs! It just feels like a perma-wedgie to me. But I still wear them if necessary and just grin and bear it until my poor butt gets used to it. And after a while, I guess it's really not so bad.

Depriving myself of my favorite foods and sweating it out at the gym when all I want to do is eat Papa John's and lay on the couch is something else I know so many of us do. Now, come on, people. I know very few of you are losing weight for the sake of health...we go to the gym so we can look good! And we're willing to pay a hefty price. We're willing to actually do the opposite of what we feel like doing! But it sure feels good once you leave the gym...

I actually pay a woman to put hot wax all over my face and rip it off twice a month. I am so against facial hair that I am willing to be tortured for 40 minutes a month. I must say this is definitely worth the pain.

I wonder how much time I spend in agony a month for the sake of trying to look good...40 minutes for waxing + thrice weekly gym sessions + millions of minutes fighting with myself over whether or not to eat chocolate is a LOT of time!

But what's the price you're not willing to pay? I draw the line at plastic surgery, but heck, call me up in 15 years and we'll see if I've changed my views on that! I don't think I'd be against a little tuck here and there...

Who exactly are we trying to look so good for? Is it our significant other? Our self? Our friends?

All I know is if I've worked out, my brows are done and my hair is in place, there's an extra spring in my step. And so, yeah, it's all worth it.

But these earrings seriously might have to be taken out.
posted by Anisa @ 11:40 AM |


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