Monday, November 07, 2005

Shakin' My Laffy Taffy

I'm embarassed, but I think it's time to admit it.

I LOVE the song "Laffy Taffy" by D4L. At first, I hated it. I mean, the music is like the same three notes on a keyboard played over and over again. But then it grew on me. I went from making fun of it to dancing in my car to it.

The lyrics are ridiculous. It's vulgar. I don't know why I like it so much.

This has made me look back and think about other embarassing songs that I love. One such example is "Open Arms" by Journey. I would make my sister play it over and over on the piano so I could sing it.

I cannot sing.

But I would belt this song out like I was performing at the Grammys.

Now, I did hate "Mambo Number Five" and "The Macarena." I did not jump on the bandwagon with those. And I HATE that song "One More Time" where all they say is One more time/we're gonna celebrate over and over and over...

Oh yeah...I also love the latest Backstreet Boys song, "Incomplete." When that song came out, I didn't want anyone to know. Luckily my friend liked it too, so both of our husbands looked at us in horror.

Now I consider myself as having decent musical taste, but there are certainly those songs I'm embarassed about. But aren't we all?

All I know is that every time I get in my car, I hope "Laffy Taffy" comes on. It's best if I'm in the car alone because I don't even have to pretend that I'm disgusted.

Because I totally love it.
posted by Anisa @ 1:05 PM |


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