Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Bad Grade

I studied around 10 hours for my Microeconomics mid-term. I did all my homework, read everything I was supposed to and went to see my teacher for help. It felt like high school Physics all over again - no matter how hard I try, it's just not good enough.

I woke up the morning of the mid-term with a bad headache. As the day went on, nausea joined my pounding head. I had a freaking migraine.

I went home, laid on the couch and tried to relax before the exam. I ended up feeling better during the test, and thought I had probably made a high B. I felt pretty good about it, considering I have such a tough time in there. Graphs and weird math stuff...not for me. But alas, it's a core class in my graduate program, so I must take it. Even though I am sure it'll ruin my 4.0 GPA, I have no choice.

Anyway, the professor handed back the exams Monday. I was nervous, but not freaking out.


I was in shock and disbelief.

I paid absolutely no attention the last hour of the three-hour class because I was so disappointed. I have never even not made an A on an assignment in graduate school.

At the end of class, he showed a graph he had made with the distribution of grades. I am almost positive I made the lowest grade in the class. He said that he considered 75-89 a "B" on this exam, so that made me feel a little bit better.

I wanted to slap the person behind me who "didn't study" and did better than me.

I couldn't have studied any harder or prepared any more. All I know is that it feels terrible to do your best and not have it work out.

At least I can write.


posted by Anisa @ 9:52 AM |


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