Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The 43, Except It's 15

My friend, Laura, was the inspiration for this list. Thanks, LT!

So, here it 43 things I want to accomplish, in no particular order...except I couldn't come up with 43 today, so here's 15...


1. Write a book. I'm thinking of these days I will get to this...
2. Have kids. And they will hopefully be very cute (and healthy) with dark eyes and hair. Yes, I have names picked out for when this occurs in many years to come, and no, I will not tell you those names.
3. Feel comfortable in a 2-piece bathing suit. Even I busted out laughing at that one. Perhaps this is just not meant to be.
4. Shut up gossiping. Again, I laughed a little bit. But, seriously, why do women do this?
5. See Paris, London, Madrid and more. I would love, love, love to travel more.
6. Get a tattoo. Just a tiny, hidden one. I already know what I would want and I know it being tiny and hidden may defeat the purpose, but who cares? On that old show "Bosom Buddies" with Tom Hanks, they tried to get tattoos, but it hurt too much. They just had a tattoo dot and told their girlfriends they were "love dots." Maybe I should just get a love dot.
7. Never put blonde streaks in my hair again. Self explanatory.
8. Get my Master's in Public Administration. Working on it...hopefully in Fall '08!
9. Buy a house. To follow aforementioned Master's degree.
10. Go dancing and be silly with Bert. We keep saying it would be fun to go out just once and dance and act like college kids, but we have yet to do this.
11. Treat those I love as well as strangers. Why do we take for granted those the closest to us? We should treat them just as kindly as we would a stranger or acquaintance.
12. Dip my toe in the Pacific Ocean. I have yet to visit Cali. I am afraid of the ocean, but I'll take a toe dip.
13. See "Casablanca." I know there are old classics there I haven't seen and really should.
14. See Billy Joel in concert. Love me some Billy.
15. Give thanks. I have so much and am so lucky. I should say thank you more often for all the blessings in my life.


posted by Anisa @ 5:26 PM |


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