Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Crystal Ball

Shamelessly stolen from LT:

I don't have a crystal ball, but here's what I am planning on for 2010. However, we know how God can laugh in the face of our plans! :)

Will you be looking for a new job?
Nope. I am pretty happy with what I'm doing now! I am the Director of Public Relations and Communications for a K-12 school district.
Will you be looking for a new relationship? Heck no.
New house? Not this year...we will get to that in 2011 when Bert finishes his Ph.D. hopefully!
What will you do different in 2010? GET ABS
New Years resolutions? GET ABS
What will you not be doing in 2010? Sleeping like crap (hopefully) due to our amazing new king-sized bed!
Any trips planned? We just got back from a fun couple's trip to the Blue Ridge mountains in North Georgia - SO fun. Hope we will get to the beach this summer as well.
Wedding plans? Nope.
What's on your calendar? Lots of meetings, tasks, etc. It makes me tired to look at it!
What can't you wait for? Friday at 5 p.m. Story of my life.
What about yourself will you be changing? I hope to get in better shape and grow spiritually. That sounds so cheesy. Sorry about that. I just have to be honest that I find time for a lot of things, but not enough for exercise (see Boot Camp post below) or God. Need to do better.
Will you be nicer to the people you care about? Yes. I always try to be nicer each year. :)
Will you dress differently this year than you did in '09? I started taking some fashion risks in late '09 and was very happy with the results! I plan on doing more in '10.
Are you going to be in school in '10? Nope. Maybe I'll go back in a few years and work on being Dr. Anisa. We shall see.
How will you make more money in '10? More? Hmm. Well, there are no raises in sight due to the economy, so my plan is to stick to our savings plan!
Will you do charity work? Yes.
Will you be nice to people you don't know? Yes, but I will try to focus more on those that I do know.
Do you expect 2010 to be a worse year for you than 2009? I hope better, although I had a really good 2009.
How much did you change from this time last year til now? I am MUCH happier now than a year ago due to a much better work situation.
Do you plan on having a child? Yes - someday!
Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now? Absolutely.
Major lifestyle changes? You never know!
Will you be moving? Nope - not planning on it.
Is there anything you are not looking forward to this year? Can't think of it, although I do dread Monday mornings. It's rough to dread something that happens roughly 52 times a year!
What change would you like to make to your life? To stick with all my grand plans! :)


posted by Anisa @ 11:33 AM |


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