Thursday, February 17, 2011

F, Not Ph

So, one of my best friends and I used to tell each other that we looked "phat" - ph, not f, back in the day. We said all sorts of silly things.

Only now, I ONLY feel f. Not ph.

Yes, I know I am nearly 23 weeks pregnant.

Yes, I know with pregnancy comes weight gain.

Yes, I am in the healthy range for my height/pre-pregnancy weight, etc.

But, I still have not "popped" yet. I can wear some of my regular clothes, and some maternity clothes. I just feel like I look fat and not pregnant. I feel like I look like I have two fat rolls instead of one huge bump. The midwife said this is because I still have a waist, although the baby is above my belly button. I do not feel pretty.

Ladies with babies, any words of solace you can pass my way are welcome. Poor Bert can only handle so much of this daily counseling.


posted by Anisa @ 3:07 PM |


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