Thursday, December 22, 2005

A Look Back

What a year 2005 has been! At the end of each year, I am surprised to look back on all that's happened. This year is certainly no exception.

I started a new job this year, was accepted into graduate school and starting writing a column for a newspaper. I celebrated my one-year wedding anniversary. I turned 25. I reconnected with old friends and made new ones. And, of course, I started this blog.

Certainly it hasn't been a perfect year. Some really bad stuff happened too. But with the strengthening of my faith, I was able to get through it.

I'm not going to spend too much time looking back this time, though. Bert tells me that I love to hold on to the past. So instead, I am going to pause, smile at the good, say goodbye to the bad and move on.

And there you have it folks, New Year's Resolution #1.

I hope you've enjoyed learning about how I view the world this past year. Who knows what 2006 will hold? One thing's for sure...I'll keep writing and I'll keep growing.

My biggest realization and epiphany of 2005 was quite simplistic: regardless of anything, every person is human and has feelings. And that is the one thing that I will reflect on often, because I truly see the world a little differently now.

I'll be on vacation until January 3, 2006. I'll start blogging again then. I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday!
posted by Anisa @ 10:16 AM |


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