Friday, February 17, 2006

No, I Don't Have PMS

I am having a bad day.

I am very upset and angry and have been since around 8am. People are killing people right and left over the offensive cartoon and I'm sick of all the insanity. Let it go already. Don't those people get that people will doubly think the religion stands for terrorism if people kill over a cartoon that depicts the Prophet as a terrorist? HELLO!!

I am so annoyed by Katie, Al and Matt. Ann isn't bugging me, but the rest of "The Today Show" cast is. They're just annoying me with their Torino coverage. I really don't care about the Olympics. There, I said it. I want regular news back.

I am POed that some people don't care care of their business, and I have to go behind them and fix everything. This angers me to no end.

I am annoyed that the medicine I have to take for an infection makes me drowsy and nauseated. I mean, it's like which is better - the illness or the stupid meds?

I just want to throw up all over Tom Cruise. I think he's diabolical. Whenever I'm having a bad day and I hear more about him, it just makes me all the more upset.

So there you have it. I am not having a good Friday, which is my favorite day of the week. And if I know you, please don't ask me about my day. I really don't want to talk about this day ever.again.

Oddly enough, I feel better already.
posted by Anisa @ 2:49 PM |


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