Monday, January 30, 2006

The New Addition

My house is clean and waiting for its new addition - the perfect red couch! After months of searching, she has been purchased. Tomorrow, she shall come home.

And then I will have the cutest living room ever seen in a duplex.

Is furniture an addiction? It seems once you start updating your house, you just don't want to stop! Has anyone seen the new Asian-inspired home decor section at Target? I really had to run out of there before I dropped some major dough.

That was the big excitement of the weekend. Saturday, I helped out with Habitat for Humanity and me and my fellow Jr. Leaguers did three yards. Exhaustion.

Don't laugh that I did manual labor.

Anyway, the weekend wasn't long enough. Everyone's getting skinny on Celebrity Fit Club 3, and it makes me feel the need to shed 10 lbs. ASAP. Does anyone else watch total trash on Sunday nights? I do, however, REFUSE to see Flavor of Love.

Good weekend. I love my husband. And I'm about to love my living room!
posted by Anisa @ 3:55 PM |


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