Friday, January 20, 2006

Times Are A Changin'

As you can probably tell, since I started Graduate School, things have been a little different around here. I've been trying to decide if I wanted to continue blogging, and if so, what changes would need to be made.

So far, I've been posting every weekday, unless I was off from work. With school, agreeing to be a sorority adviser, work, the newspaper, Junior League and my personal life, I've become busy. Really busy.

Therefore, I wanted to let all of you readers know that I will continue to update my blog, but not every day. I have enjoyed blogging so much, and the only way for me to continue that love and enjoyment is to cut down on the frequency that I blog. I don't know how much I'll post right now, but I'll just do it as I'm able and as I'm inspired.

I enjoy the blogging community, and I don't want to give it up. However, my life has changed, and my blog has to as well. But don't worry...I'll still post! I'm entirely too outspoken to keep my opinions to myself.
posted by Anisa @ 11:48 AM |


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