Monday, January 09, 2006

The Man Who Was God's Friend

Tomorrow is Eid al-Adha, or literally the Festival of Sacrifice, for Muslims all over the world. As I reflect on what tomorrow means, I am moved by the complete trust Prophet Abraham put in God so long ago. Currently, it is the end of the annual pilgrimage, Hajj, and the pilgrims in Mecca are also remembering Prophet Abraham.

And "We made him (Abraham) pure in this world and in the hereafter; he is most surely among the righteous. When his Lord said to him, 'Submit,' he said, 'I submit myself to the Lord of the Worlds.'" (Qu'ran 2:130-131)

Many people know the story of God asking Prophet Abraham to sacrifice one of his sons. However, in Islam, we believe Abraham was asked to sacrifice Ishmael, not Isaac. Of course he didn't actually have to kill his son, because the sacrifice was that he was simply willing to do so. Obviously, he was much more willing to surrender than the average human. Can you imagine being willing to kill your own child? God wouldn't expect that of us, but he did of Abraham. He knew how far his faith could be pushed.

And because God could put his complete trust in Prophet Abraham, He called him His friend. Can you imagine?

Anyway, we remember this incident and think of all the pilgrims tomorrow. A family usually has an animal slaughtered and has God's name said over it. Unlike the horrible treatment of animals in many slaughterhouses, this is done with respect and dignity to the animal. It is a reminder that life is sacred. Part of the meat is for the family, and part is sent away to the poor.

I pause to think of the pilgrims, the poor and Prophet Abraham. I am glad that our holidays include helping to feed the less fortunate. I hope I can one day travel to Mecca and experience what awaits. I remember Prophet Abraham each and every day, as part of the daily prayers include asking God to send His blessings to Prophet Abraham.

I guess Eid al-Adha means different things to different people, but to me it serves as a reminder to live my life in such a way that God would want to have me as a friend. This goal will consist of my faith and deeds over a lifetime, but I'm just glad to be on the journey.

Eid Mubarak, everyone! I will be in Atlanta celebrating tomorrow with family. I will return on Wednesday.

posted by Anisa @ 1:06 PM |


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