Wednesday, January 11, 2006

My Beautiful Orangey Hands

Today has been so crazy.

Between catching up from work yesterday, doing all the monthly financial stuff, printing out a gazillion pages I need to read for class next week and writing my newspaper column, I've had hardly a moment to catch my breath.

Don't worry - I know about Brangelina.

Anyway, I enjoyed my first class. There was a lot of discussion, so I was glad it wasn't just a three-hour lecture. Within the first ten minutes, all the classic students were in know, the girl who asked ten questions and kept feeling the need to repeatedly contribute to classroom discussion, the guy who rolled his eyes at her, the guy who acted like he knew more than the professor, etc. etc.

I was the girl in the front row, three minutes late, with the strange orange designs all over her hands. That's my mehndi, or henna, I had done to my hands for Eid yesterday. It'll last about two weeks, and maybe after that, I'll have mastered this crazy schedule of mine.
posted by Anisa @ 4:25 PM |


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