Monday, July 24, 2006

Warning: Pet Story

OK, so I promise I'm not going to continuously tell pet stories, but I do have one today that I must share.

Matty has been sleeping in the living room. His preferred place was under a blanket on the couch. This was my first weekend with our new kitten, so I made sure to spend plenty of time with him. That love and attention he got from both of his new "parents" certainly made an impact on him late last night.

I had held Matty in my arms for well over an hour while he slept and Bert and I watched TV. This was the first time he had slept on me, so I was very, very excited. He looked so adorable asleep in my arms.

Bert and I got up and went to bed around 11:30 pm, and we shut our door. We do this because I have a fear that Matty will jump on my face in the middle of the night. I don't know why I am so worried about this, but anyway...

I heard all these noises, and got up around midnight. There is a quilt rack in the hallway outside our bedroom, and Matty had gotten down quilts to make his own bed outside our bedroom. I just couldn't believe it.

I never thought I'd love an animal so much. He will never be able to say a word to me, but it was so apparent that he wanted to be close to us last night. That was his way of saying I know you love me, and I love you so much right back.
posted by Anisa @ 9:02 AM |


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