Friday, May 16, 2008

K is for Kim's Wedding

I should be in Mississippi.  I should be getting ready for my dear friend Kim's wedding tomorrow. But I am not.  My honorary bridesmaids dress hangs over my door.  The suitcases are all still packed from Wednesday night.  Unfortunately, life had other plans.

Thursday morning, I woke up screaming because my arms were hurting so badly.  Along with that, I was greeted with a headache, earache, nausea, numbness, a sore throat, headache, runny nose, etc. The day before, I had noticed the sniffles, so I took massive doses of Vitamin C, as Bert had been sick and I didn't want to get what he had.

Well, I got what he had plus many more symptoms.

I went to the doctor who informed me I had the flu.  THE FLU.  I got a short of cortisone and B-12 in my butt and two prescriptions.  I slept most of the day.  I allowed myself to cry when I realized that I wouldn't be able to go to the wedding.

I am feeling a little better today.  I still get tired really easily and my ears hurt.  The Tamiflu has also given me an extra superfun illness--diarrhea.  Oh joy.

I know I'm contagious and it's not my fault that I'm sick, but I am still so sad.  I told my sweet friend and she was understanding, although disappointed.

This sucks.

Posting has worn me out.  I think I need my 90th nap in the past 2 days.

But first, I think I'll allow myself one more cry.


posted by Anisa @ 11:57 AM |


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