Monday, September 15, 2008
Been feeling down and filling out a meme to cheer me up...Blatantly stolen from Cheryl.
A. Attached or single? Attached.
B. Best friend? I have at least one best friend for each "segment" of my life...high school (Deanna and Kendy), college (Katie, Meggan, Haley and Kim), DC (Amber), etc. And then, there's my mom and aunt who I talk to constantly, so I consider them best friends too, and of course Bert. And then my 1st grade BFF Julie who introduced me and Bert...and on and on. Can't pick one!
C. Cake or pie? Definitely more of a cake girl, but lately, I've been craving blueberry cobbler like a crazy person.
D. Day of choice? Friday...the anticipation of a weekend!
E. Essential item? Eyeliner. I feel naked without it now.
F. Favorite color? Hot pink. I feel like it's me in color form. On my good days, that is.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears I suppose, but not a big gummy girl.
H. Hometown? Starkville, MS.
I. Favorite indulgence? Chocolate and shoes.
J. January or July? July...usually, there's some sort of vacation and relaxation this month. Things have slowed with work and school, so definitely July. Although the newness and clean slate of a new year in January is good as well...but I'm not a fan of winter.
K. Kids? Love, love, love kids.
L. Life isn’t complete without? Family, friends, new adventures and experiences.
M. Marriage date? August 14, 2004.
N. Number of brothers and sisters? One sister, Sara.
O. Oranges or apples? Apples. I prefer Granny Smith. A little tart is fine. Oranges are good, too, but I hate the orange thingies between my teeth afterwards.
P. Phobias? I am always a little bit scared of something. My strangest is puppet people. I hate Chuck E. Cheese, Disney characters, mascots, etc. I will literally hide from them they scare me so bad.
Q. Quotes? "I don't necessarily agree with everything I say." - Marshall McLuhan
"Speak up, even if your voice shakes."
R. Reasons to smile? Getting to see my favorite cousins this weekend!
S. Season of choice? This is tough. I have a rationale for everything but winter. Summer-my historical favorite, slower pace, vacations, my birthday. Spring-the beautiful flowers, warmth after the cold months. Fall-crispness in the air, hot chocolate, spending more time outside.
T. Tag 5 people. Don't do tags -- but hope you'll do this fun post!
U. Unknown fact about me? Every time I sit on the couch and put the laptop in my lap, I have to pee. Almost without fail. Drives me nuts.
V. Vegetable? Grilled corn, potato anything, green beans, broccoli with cheese...
W. Worst habit? I am an obsessor and analyzer to a fault. I work myself up about everything. I mean everything.
X. X-ray or ultrasound? Hmm...this is tough. I think X-ray because I don't feel that my personal space is as violated.
Y. Your favorite foods? Cheese pizza and Lindt chocolate.
Z. Zodiac sign? Cancer. My positive traits are supposed to be: emotional and loving, intuitive and imaginative, shrewd and cautious, and protective and sympathetic . My negative traits are supposed to be: changeable and moody, overemotional and touchy, and clinging and unable to let go.
I have to be honest: all are dead on.
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