Thursday, September 17, 2009


I am so excited I can hardly stand it.

You know when you're little, the night before your birthday or Christmas, it is SO HARD to sleep in anticipation of the next day. Well, I am felling those childlike butterflies yet again because Bert and I are going to SIX FLAGS this weekend!

It all came about because someone was selling two season passes for $20 cheaper than the promo they're currently running (kid's price for everyone). Bert gets motion sick, so we have never gone to an amusement park together. BUT I LOVE AMUSEMENT PARKS!

Bert forwarded me the email where the guy was selling the tickets and we are going for it. Roller coasters, here I come. Tacky souvenirs, here I come. Cotton candy and other assorted junk food, here I come. Overpriced caricature, I might be coming for you too.

Dramamine, here Bert comes. :)

I'm so excited and I just can't hide it.
posted by Anisa @ 9:39 AM |


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