Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Totally Lost
I'm lost in "Lost." It's an obsession, really. I can't believe how long I've put off watching this show! It all started back in the day when Bert and I were newly married and had just moved. We had cable, but this was long before the days of fancy shmancy DVRs and HDTV - at least for us. So, we had to make a decision. Bert wanted to watch "Lost" and I wanted to watch "Grey's Anatomy." Well, of course I won. I always have the bargaining chip of reminding him how many Yankees games he watches.
But alas, we had been missing out!
Some of our BFFs had been telling us that we needed to watch "Lost." Finally we caved and watched the Pilot. We were hooked. That was August 24. We started Season 3 last night. We were warned that we would end up "losing" the next month of our lives, but it has been so much fun.
I highly, highly recommend!
posted by Anisa @ 9:07 AM |