Monday, June 22, 2009

The Big 2-9

This is a close-up of the stunning flowers I received this morning from Mama and Daddy. What a great birthday already! And I enjoyed talking to my Daddy yesterday for Father's Day as him so.

The weekend was all I could hope for - "Jersey Boys" was so much fun, and the Sundial a.k.a. Revolving Restaurant was delicious and provided an amazing 360 view of the Atlanta skyline. I have received gifts, cards, calls, texts and Facebook messages - each meaning so much to me. Also today, my assistant gave me the sweetest card and some stationery I really wanted. She and Bert had been in cahoots! :)

And tonight, I can't wait to open my surprises from Bert. And later, we'll eat Italian with friends.

I am loved. I am blessed. Welcome, 29. Just please don't go by too fast!


posted by Anisa @ 11:55 AM |


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