Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Coco or Sugar

Do people scream for effect, or is it really just a reaction?

If you've ever wondered if people have responses for "show" or if they're real, I have the answer. At least for me, I know for a fact they're real.

Yesterday, I was minding my own business at work. I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and I let out a blood-curdling scream.

It was a lizard.

How do I know my scream wasn't for show? I was alone. No one was here to hear me yell.

I jumped on my chair, afraid of the small creature with the blue tail. I called a secretary in another building to see if she could send someone up to handle "the situation." I IMed friends in desperation.

I attempted to trap the little nasty scoundrel under a box top, but he escaped! I saw him leap across the office, and I called again to see where the people were that were supposed to come and save me.

I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't focus.

It reminded me of when I worked at an orthodontist's office and I opened a drawer, only to have a mouse leap out at me. I ran out of the office and didn't even scream because I knew my boss wouldn't be very happy with me if I were to upset patients. I really thought I was going to have a heart attack. The very next day, the little rascal was caught and I have never since seen a mouse.

I am really not an "animal person." In theory, I adore little dogs like cute Maltipoos, Yorkies, etc. But in reality, I know I'd get tired of catering to their every whim and cleaning up their poop. Once I realized my sweet puppy wasn't a toy, I think I'd regret the commitment I had made. And I have no tolerance for people who aren't sweet to their animals; no one FORCED you to own a pet, so if you do, love it and take care of it!

I will say that when I was a little girl I did have a pet that I loved dearly. His name was Thor and he was a Pit Bull. Now, I know you're wondering why I'm afraid of lizards and I loved this pit bull, but really he was amazing. I used to ride him like a pony around the yard when I was little. Oh, how I adored him! He never barked or jumped on anyone.

We had to give Thor away because our neighbors constantly complained about him. I think Thor might've been a Ladies Man.

Anyway, years later, a dog chased me in our neighborhood. My daddy saved me, but I think that fear always stuck with me. I am afraid of even the tiniest dog, but there are pictures of me ate age one holding our doggie, Dilly. I used to love animals, but now I am afraid of them. I tell my husband that cats are tigers and dogs are wolves.

Maybe one day I'll get over my fear and own a dog or cat. Cats are independent, which would be a great characteristic in a pet. They don't require near the upkeep of a dog. But those little dogs that never look bigger than a puppy sure are cute...

And as for the lizard? A staffer came and freed him. Even through my fear, I knew he was a beautiful and special creature with his striking blue tail. Maybe one day I'll find something special in an animal and have one of my own.

But for now, I'm content to visit my parent's dogs, Maggie and Shadow. Shadow is a Golden Retriever and the laziest dog in the world. He doesn't even budge if he sees a snake. Maggie is a Labrador mix, and she is definitely the protective one. Another case of the woman doing all the work. ;)

While I have respect for animals and would never hurt one, I know I have to get over my fear before I could ever own one. I'll have to know that it's a big commitment and be ready for that. Right now, I'm too scared and too lazy. But just maybe one day, I'll be one of those ladies answering the door with freshly painted toe nails and a fluffy furball in my arms. Coco is a perfect name for a brown dog and Sugar for a white one. Especially a fluffy one. I don't have potential cat names picked out just yet. Or maybe I should name them after celebrities...

And while I do have possible names picked out for my tiny dog, I know that's still a long way away for me. If ever. For now, I'm content to run scared from the neighbor's tiger cat.
posted by Anisa @ 11:26 AM |


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