Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Reflections on Katrina

Well, I think Hurricane Katrina has finally slowed down. I just can't believe all the damage! As I watched "The Today Show" this morning, I was astonished to see NBC's Brian Williams literally knee-deep in water in the middle of Bourbon Street. The coast of Mississippi has been hit really hard, and my hometown which is about two hours from Memphis, was even affected. I talked to my dad this morning and huge trees had fallen over in our yard, and the entire town was without power.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all affected.

It's weird to see the place where you honeymooned filled with water. Williams said it was the strangest feeling to stand and watch ships go by at the same level as you stood. I can't even imagine.

Where do people even begin to pick up the pieces? How long will it be before New Orleans and Biloxi and everywhere else is back to normal? How long will it be until power is back on everywhere? (Side note...it's Buh-LUX-see, NOT Buh-LOCK-see. Pet peeve.)

I think about those people without electricity, and I am ashamed to think of how if the power goes out, I stress about how I am going to blow-dry and straighten my hair. Katrina has really made me take a moment to think...I'm sure no one in Katrina's path cares about blow-drying their hair. They care about putting the pieces of their lives back together.

I guess we can all take a lesson from this disaster. Know what's really important. Help your neighbor. It's OK that you can't plan for everything. Some things aren't worth stressing about, especially if the answer is as simple as putting your hair up in a ponytail.

I know if a disaster ever came through Georgia and we had to evacuate, I'd want to pack everything possible. If I had time to only take one thing, though, it would be my wedding album. Some things just can't be replaced. Some things can. And it's important to know the difference.
posted by Anisa @ 11:45 AM |


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