Thursday, August 25, 2005

Bath Time

Boy was I mad.

Ariana, Bert's daughter, was here this past weekend and she FINALLY told me she has been taking showers since she was six.

She's seven.

I remained composed in front of her, but I was so mad. All I could think about is how I was exhausted the two weeks she was here this summer after working all day, coming home, working out, cooking dinner and bathing her. She refused to let Bert bathe her and scheduled all her bathtime around me. I completely understood not wanting to let her daddy give her baths anymore, but COME ON, I was exhausted after a long day's work and she could've told me!!

"Why didn't you tell me?" I said.
"You never asked," she replied. She could tell she'd done something wrong.
"Excuse me," I said.

Then Bert got a big ol' earful. He listened. I ranted. My legs had suds on them from where she lathered herself up with bodywash, and I was fuming. Fuming.

I asked her a few more questions about her bathing habits. She told me Bert's mom still washes her hair, but at her house, she does it all. I looked at her tiny little hands, and knew there was no way she could adequately wash her own hair.

And then a light bulb went off in my head. Of course this light bulb went off after much help from Bert. Sometimes it takes a moment to enlighten me.

At home, she's one of four. She has two younger brothers, and has had to grow up quickly. Perhaps our house is the only place she can truly be a kid. She apparently loved having all my attention giving her baths, putting out her pajamas, brushing her hair and reading her bedtime stories.

I went to her room, where she lay in the princess pajamas Bert and I recently bought her. I had a lump in my throat. I sat down and told her she was growing up too fast. I began to think about how pretty soon she wouldn't need me at all. But I was wrong. I still need my Mama, and I'm 25 years old.

Ariana leapt in my lap and put her arms tightly around me. It was the biggest hug she's ever given me.

"I'm not growing up too fast, Anisa!" she exclaimed. She told me how much she loves having time with me, and she loves me giving her baths.

I finally understood why she follows me around everywhere...because I let her be a kid.

And that's how it should be.
posted by Anisa @ 10:30 AM |


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