Monday, August 15, 2005

Glasses Me

Isn't it funny how one accessory or article of clothing can completely change how you feel? Me, I'm talking 'bout my glasses. I'm used to them now because my eyes would hurt without them if I looked at a computer screen for too long. But still, there's just something about glasses that makes me feel studious. They just make me feel different.

It's Glasses Me that figured out how to send this picture from my camera phone to email in under five minutes with no instruction whatsoever. It's Glasses Me that edited the HTML code of Friday's post so that the spacing was correct. Glasses Me interviewed and was offered the job I currently have. Glasses Me is hard-working and professional.

I rarely wear glasses outside of work. I have a stigmatism, so I really just need them if I am looking at something glaring, like a computer screen. I feel terribly off balance if I try to get up and walk with them on, even though I've had them for over three years. It feels funny to kiss Bert with them on. I don't like to read with them on, because I can't stop looking under the lenses. Glasses Me doesn't make many outside of work appearances. Once in a while I'll surprise Bert and wear them because he loves them, but I have to stay extra alert not to bump into things. I just feel off if I try to walk around with them.

Speaking of glasses, I have a bit of a confession to make. Yes, those glasses I (and most of my friends) wore in college were fake. Yes, you read that right. For under $5 at Claire's Boutique, you too could appear a brainiac, even after an extremely late night out. We really bought them because days when you were running late to class, there was just something about glasses that make the disheveled look become cute. I look back and wonder what in the world I was thinking. I guess we all do silly things in college for the sake of looking a certain way.

But whether it's my glasses, my favorite pair of jeans or my new gorgeous necklace, it's amazing how different something material can make me feel. I feel sassy in my jeans and elegant in my necklace. Many items I have are simply extensions of my personality, and whether it's Glasses Me or not, I'm still the same person. Glasses Me seems to immediately get more respect. People automatically assume I'm twice as intelligent with glasses on than without. I don't get the creepy looks from people nearly as much when I've got on my glasses.

I don't know what it is, but my glasses make me appear no-nonsense and completely professional. If I'm looking at someone and nodding while I have my glasses on, they seem to have no clue that my mind is in some faraway place. And my glasses aren't about to tell them otherwise.
posted by Anisa @ 12:25 PM |


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