Monday, August 01, 2005

Mrs. 3000

Ginger has done it again! I figured that since I had an entirely new blog at counted hit 1000 and a new column at 2000, that hit 3000 should bring about something fun also! I am really thrilled with this fun update! I told Ginger that I wanted something really easy to read, so hopefully this has done it! Yes, people, I even read up to see what would be the most user-friendly! I told her I wanted to post in a different color background than my links area. I told her I loved dots. She's a genius. Look at what she's done!

Ginger's one of those people you can give a million specifications to, but she'll still knock your socks off. She is extremely creative, easy-to-work with and very friendly. That may just be the best part of the whole do get a wondeful, personalized blog, but you also get a new friend out of the deal.

Thanks a million, Ginger!
posted by Anisa @ 5:32 PM |


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