Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Anisa, Columnist

So, as I neared 1,000 hits on my blog from June 1, I decided it was time for a new look. I guess it's only fitting something big happens around hit 2,000.

People, my dream has been realized. I.am.a.columnist!

I met with the editor of my local newspaper shortly after moving here almost a year ago, and nothing was open at the time. We kept in touch, and after starting Access Anisa, I emailed him the site link and told him I was still interested in writing.

Fast forward to today. We just met to discuss details, and I'm a columnist! No, it's not a full-time position and I'll keep my regular job, but I will be published every other Thursday to begin with, and eventually every Thursday.

I'm the "Every Other Thursday Girl!"

It'll be me and my little picture beside my name and everything. One of my majors in college was Journalism, so I am thrilled beyond belief with this opportunity. I kept hoping that I would finally be published once again on a semi-regular basis.

The column will definitely have similarities to this blog...mostly light-hearted, but a few serious topics thrown in as well. I hope it will be entertaining and engaging to the reader. That's why we read each other's entries, after all. A connection is formed due to the vividness and openness of each other's writing.

So, readers, I owe you all a big THANK YOU. Your comments and visits kept me going...and really made me believe deep down I should not stop pursuing my love of writing.

There's just something about putting words down on paper and later seeing them in black and white in the newspaper. The smell...the ink smears on your fingers...everything about it is intoxicating to a writer. Seeing people respond to your thoughts, your emotions, your work...it's extremely gratifying.

Sometimes we don't even realize Point A will get us to Point B, but things often happen in the most unexpected ways. I didn't know this was even a possibility, but somehow putting one foot in front of the other has created this amazing opportunity.

And you know what else makes me excited? That now, if I ever get to be on a game show, when my name pops up on the screen, it'll say "Anisa, Columnist."
posted by Anisa @ 5:00 PM |


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