Tuesday, August 16, 2005

"House" At The House

Well, you know it's just sad when simply watching non-reality TV makes you feel like you've done something good for your mind.

Last night, we decided to watch "House," a FOX drama about a team of doctors at a hospital. Since I am still mad at Sandra Oh for popping up unwelcome in a nightmare I had, "Grey's Anatomy" is off limits for our television viewing pleasure at the moment.

Anyway, we sat there and watched a real drama. OK, so it wasn't really real, but it was interesting, had mystery to it, and was full of great actors. It was entertainment that wasn't mindless. I, too, was wondering why Joey had a high estrogen level. What? He was gay?? I never would've guessed...and the Chinese meds...whoa. Let's just say I was very involved in the story. The show is an hour long, and it felt like I'd watched a mini-movie. I was very satisfied, and felt like I had actually expanded my mind. Just because a show actually made me think again.

I shut it back an hour later with "Laguna Beach" and "Sweet Sixteen" on MTV. I'm afraid what will become of the world when today's high schoolers become adults. It's.just.scary.

In all seriousness, when did America become more obsessed with reality TV than acting? I'm sure everything goes in cycles and this is just a fad, but even I forgot how great comedies and dramas can be. When "Friends" went off the air, it was like an era ended for me. Except for catching the occasional "Will and Grace," my viewing habits began to revolve around E!, VHI, MTV, ESPN and CNN.

Not anymore.

I really want to get involved in "Desperate Housewives," but I don't know what to do since it comes on at the same time as "The Surreal Life." Maybe it's time to say goodbye to the house full of celebrity clowns and flip on over to the latest show to really cause a wave. I've seen a few episodes of the newest hit, and I really do enjoy it. I, too, want to know what's going on down at Wisteria Lane.

I remember being little and delighting in "Who's the Boss," "Growing Pains" and "The Cosby Show." I miss television like that. Where are today's Tonys and Angelas? Where are Mike and Carol? Where is Dr. Huxtable? Rudy? Theo? Are they out there?

All I know is that after a long day at work, going to the gym and cooking supper, I want to watch something fun and relaxing. I know I'm sucked into reality TV, but I'm going to try and check out some of the new shows. Whether it's "House," "Lost" or "Desperate Housewives," I'm in the mood for some real entertainment.

It's just like the difference I feel when reading Us Weekly or my novel du jour, Ya-Yas in Bloom. Each has their place, and I find a lot of enjoyment in reading both. One's a celeb magazine, and the other's modern literature. One's frivolous and the other's not.

I think I've finally realized that a mind can't exist on a diet of celebrity gossip alone.
posted by Anisa @ 12:01 PM |


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