Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Furniture, Cold Weather and Debates

What a relaxing weekend!

Bert and I spent the entire weekend together, which was a real treat since three nights of the regular week, one of us is in night class. I can hardly remember what we did Saturday, but I do know that I slept late every day. Waking up at 10:30am is so delicious. Sunday, I did some housework and homework and we went out to eat. And yesterday, we went to this great furniture store about 20 minutes from our house and found a new TV cabinet to go with our new TV. DIRECTV is coming to hook everything up this afternoon, so I am only a few hours from HDTV!

It is super cold here and dreary. It makes me feel blah...I don't feel like doing anything. And I randomly starting crying in Academy Sports this weekend because all our friends were either out of town, MIA or have kids now. Oh, to be a woman. We then bought some pepper spray and left. The world is freaking me out with all the violent crimes and missing people, so I have been obsessed with being safe lately.

Last night, I caught some of the debate. It was certainly heated! I would be thrilled with either Edwards or Obama as President. We are now 364 days until this President is out of office...thank goodness. It is interesting to read what everyone has to say about the candidates. I enjoy reading other's thoughts, as long as they don't start to become hateful or ignorant. Unfortunately, there's a lot of that going on too.

And so, that's what's going on with me.


posted by Anisa @ 9:49 AM |


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