Thursday, October 22, 2009

I'm really upset about something right now. What that is...well, I'm not going to disclose it. What I do want to talk about, though, is how people react when they are upset.
For me, if I am truly upset about something, it becomes all-consuming. I can't talk about anything else. I can't think about anything else. I shut down. If I have to clean, I can't. If I need to work, I can't. Granted, if I'm just simply ticked off, I can continue...but if I am deeply upset by something, I can't. No compartmentalizing here. And lucky for Bert, if I'm upset, he has to hear about it 24-7 until I'm OK. Thank goodness he plays along.
If I'm stressed, I eat. If I'm upset, I don't. I also become super sleepy and lethargic - as in, I can hardly stay awake.
And you can tell that I've been crying because my nose is bright red.
Being sad is hard work. Maybe that's why I get so sleepy.
And I go through the stages. First is either no emotion or lots of crying. Second is assessing the situation. Third is blaming. (I think second and third flip flop based on the situation.) Fourth is accepting what I did wrong. Fifth is trying to make it right. And sixth is moving on, I suppose. And an underlying problem is that I obsess over it. I can't think about anything else. At all.
I am incredibly blessed that most of my life is happy. It's a good thing because being sad is exhausting. I would be interested to know how you function when being upset and also, any and all virtual hugs are welcome! :)
posted by Anisa @ 3:11 PM |