Friday, June 10, 2005


Today's post is a little different. I saw this and thought it was a much more insightful questionnaire than most. You really do have to look within to come up with the answers. If you choose to fill this out yourself, I encourage you to delete all my answers first so that your mind is wide open for possible answers. I hope you all enjoy getting to know a little more about me!

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

I am: a hopeless romantic
I know: I still have a way to go before I am the person I want to be
I have: to have accountability to keep me on track of my goals (like getting to work on time!)
I wish: on stars
I hate: not getting enough sleep (and, yes, I hate a group of about 5 people as well, but I’m working on it…)
I miss: having a ton of friends and family close by
I fear: getting some terrible disease…I’m always worried about my health
I hear: music…on the radio, on my iPod, everywhere!
I search: for the perfect pair of summer shoes
I wonder: where I’ll be in 10 years
I regret: pushing my sister into the deep end when we took swimming lessons, even though the instructor told me to…still makes me cry, even though she’s long forgiven me
I love: those that I love deeply and forever
I'm lucky because: I couldn’t ask for a better family
I ache: for chocolate when I’m on a diet
I care: what people think
I always: apologize when I’m wrong
I am not: going to let someone run over me
I dance: like I was made to dance with my husband…either both of us can’t dance or we’re both awesome! :)
I sing: in the car and in the shower…and sometimes it sounds awful, but sometimes it rates as decent karaoke
I do not always: say things in the nicest way
I should not: get so angry
I am: truly happy…and I do NOT take that for granted
I love: my husband, friends and family...these are the people who have stuck by me, and I will always do the same for them
I write: as much as possible; it’s my passion
I also fear: the dark (I slept with a night light until I was married! I really HATE the dark. I still check in my closet every night.)
I win: Yahtzee a fair amount of the time
I lose: poker almost every time…I really try, though!
I confuse: even myself with my mood changes
I listen: to advice and criticism from others, even if it takes me a little while
I go: to the gym grudgingly, but am happy that I went when it’s time to leave after my workout
I am glad that: Bert is right…things do usually work out
I am happy about: the dinner I made last night…it was a new recipe for an Enchilada Bake and it was DELICIOUS!! (not that I’m bragging or anything)
I am obsessed with: celebrity gossip, of course! ;)
I should be: looking toward the future more and stop glancing back at the past
I want: to live a long, happy, healthy life…don’t we all?
posted by Anisa @ 1:40 PM |


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