Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Needing To Vent

I am so mad at the stupid alarm man who has come to supposedly update the alarm system at my work. He keeps getting lost going to the one stairway that goes to the bottom floor.

The alarm he came to update has been going off for 25 35 45 minutes!!

FORTY-FIVE MINUTES OF A LOUD AND BLARING ALARM!!! Did I mention it's my lunch hour?

I already had a bad headache.

He has been here for over an hour.

I am so mad I could scream, but he wouldn't even hear me over the stupid alarm.

Update: The alarm man just set off the fire alarm too, making it doubly loud in here. WTF?
Final Update: Two hours later and the insanity is over. Whew.
posted by Anisa @ 12:40 PM |


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