Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Doctor, Doctor, Give Me the News

Why are we afraid to really tell doctors what we think? I know sometimes I am. It's like, I'll get all psyched up before I go. I will demand certain tests. I will ask for a certain prescription. I won't back down.

And then I can't do it.

It's like I go in there and forget to tell them half of my symptoms. Even if I wrote them all down, I'm scared to take out the piece of paper half the time.

And I just accept what they tell me to their faces, when inside I want to scream. I don't feel like they ran enough tests. I don't just want to take Advil. If that was enough, I wouldn't be here!

And then I feel like they think I'm some kind of hypochondriac because I keep coming back. I TOLD you my wrist was hurting. I TOLD you my throat was bugging me. It makes me want to scream. And I will keep coming back, over and over, until you fix it.

Why in the world are we afraid of these people that we pay so much money to? We don't want to aggravate them, but we want results. Fast.

And most of the time, an antibiotic or whatever will do the trick. But sometimes, we need more tests.

If for nothing else, our peace of mind. And I think I pay enough in insurance and co-pay where I deserve that.
posted by Anisa @ 10:15 AM |


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