Tuesday, February 12, 2008


She was a tiny little girl in a dirty pink shirt. Octagons were her favorite shape and we spent an hour on them, until her 5-year old hands could make them. She loved the cupcakes I brought and told me she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up.

But for girls like DaiJohna, caught in a vicious cycle of poverty, their dreams are unlikely to become realities. But that doesn't mean impossible.

She told me that where she lived had an "A" on the door and would I please write that down with her name so I would know where she lived. I could see that a connection had been made. We were friends.

One at a time, it is easy to see that every person is simply a human being. In groups, people often apply stereotypes. For me, taking time to connect on a personal level with the kids at the Boys and Girls Club has opened my heart so much. I am very grateful for this unexpected gift.
posted by Anisa @ 11:43 AM |


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