Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Oh, Television...

I watch such a random array of shows because I hate watching TV in a different room than Bert. I think I am just lazy and don't want to get up and walk the 10 steps to the bedroom. Anyway, he LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to watch poker and blackjack on TV (please somebody, make it end!!), and he's pretty good about watching "Entertainment Tonight" with me, as well as most reality shows I beg him to watch. Anyway, for some reason, last night I was adamant that we watch "Britney and Kevin: Chaotic."

Holy lordy. Maybe this is why he questions my taste in television shows.

First of all, I highly doubt either of them know what the word chaotic means anyway. This is the second installment of the series (FYI: the premier re-airs on MTV tomorrow) that documents their relationship. This is what I've gathered: they have sex a lot, they're horribly immature and a little too real. I don't know about you, but part of the luster of celebrities is that we don't know everything about them. I don't really want to see their home videos; if they want to give an interview here and there, great, but don't become so real you seem like someone I know. Britney is a redneck and Kevin is a greaseball. They're both nice enough people, but I don't want to watch them suck each other's faces off.

It really is funny how much TV has changed. There used to be constant talk shows and before that, it was news magazines that were so big (like Dateline, Primetime, etc.) and before that it was nighttime soap operas (Dallas, Falcon Crest, etc.). Now, reality rules the airwaves. I guess regardless of what we say, we have been sucked in to seeing how others live. As much as I say I hate it sometimes, I just can't take my eyes off the TV. Maybe it just makes us feel better about ourselves. I guess, though, if we really think about it, we'll see that people, regardless of their celebrity, are very much the same. Many of us have insecurities, we want the companionship of a significant other, and we want success in our personal and professional lives. We have conflict and joy, failure and success.

I don't think that I would be starstruck anymore because I have seen so much personal stuff about celebrities that I don't think there's anything "magical" to these ultra successful celebs. The only thing I'm struck by anymore is to see happiness and success in my friends and family. Now, that's something to admire and be in awe about.
posted by Anisa @ 12:40 PM |


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