Friday, August 01, 2008

Mommy Stuff

I was late to work because I was cleaning up cat throw up. Whoa. I will spare you the details, but the point is - I was kind of proud of myself. I saw it, went to comfort Matty to make sure he was OK, threw away the pet grass we bought last night (what I assume was the culprit) and then wiped it up and mopped. I only gagged a little once.

I think this makes me a real grown-up.

I didn't freak out. This is a new one. Normally, this kind of stuff would send me into a panic. Not today. I think I might me an OK mommy. :)

On another mommy note, I know many of you have babies, but I thought this was a great site that may help as your kids grow older: Common Sense Media. I discovered it when looking at my Netflix queue last night. I think this will be helpful with 10-year old Ariana, as well as my little cousins in knowing what's OK for them to watch, etc. It reviews movies, books, TV shows and video games and makes recommendations on when it's age-appropriate. Since parents don't have time to read and screen every single second of every single thing their kids are exposed to, I thought this was helpful. Of course, I am an advocate of your own common sense above all.

And on a final mommy note, I can't wait for mine to come today! Very excited.
posted by Anisa @ 10:11 AM |


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