Monday, April 21, 2008

La Cucaracha

Friday was my work's annual awards banquet. It is the biggest event each year and always a bit of a relief when it's over. However, due to budget cuts, I had to plan to have it at work, rather than at another location. I chose FIESTA! for the theme and it was a great time! It actually made it much less stressful to have it there, as I had no choice but to make it a low-key affair. This reduced stress enabled me to actually have a great time, so it all worked out for the best.

What's a fiesta without a pinata?

Me and Bert...I cannot express what a huge help he is!

I was voted Spring Fling Queen and an assistant professor was voted King. Yes, we are the same age and he became a faculty member at age 24!

The semester is winding down and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am caught up with school and am beginning to have my life back for a little while! I even had time to lay out some this weekend (a guilty pleasure). Hope all of you have great weeks!

posted by Anisa @ 5:31 PM |


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