Tuesday, October 30, 2007

For Today

Our vacation was beyond perfect. Our "cabin mansion" was a dream. Four fireplaces, a stunning view, etc. We plan on going back every year. We also bought a piece of wood art - a really beautiful vase made of three different types of tropical wood. We didn't know wood art existed, but it's something we could agree on! Bert likes really rustic stuff and I like more of a European style, so I compromised. After all, he let me have a toile bench in our bedroom. And the vase really is beautiful and we plan on collecting a new piece every year. We even stopped at the best outlets I have ever been to in Dawsonville, GA. I have on my new sweater from the Off Fifth outlet (Saks) that I got $120 off its regular price!

But as we returned, still on our vacation high, I received an email with devastating news. The spouse of one of my friends had died in a car accident. Bert and I had hung out with them on a few occasions, so it was really jarring to realize someone you casually knew had died. He was only 37 and his wife is close to my age. A widow in her 20's.

As I sat at the memorial service yesterday, I thought how unfair it was for a father to give a eulogy for his son. The preacher at this church spoke like a regular human being, which I liked. Instead of only saying how it's all in God's plan and we should all be rejoicing, he said that he couldn't help but ask God "Why?" It was nice to hear someone be "real" instead of asking 50 times if anyone would like to be saved. Friends of the deceased also spoke. The large church was packed. People laughed as friends shared funny anecdotes. People cried at this shocking loss.

And so, hug those you love a little tighter tonight. Again, be reminded that we are not promised tomorrow. Make the most of today.
posted by Anisa @ 2:15 PM | 0 comments

Monday, October 22, 2007

Everything in Twos

Stolen from Katey because I love questionnaires.

Two names you go by:
1. Anisa
2. Nee

Two things you are wearing right now:
1. New dark gray cropped sweatpants
2. Wedding ring

Two things you would want (or have) in a relationship:
1. Laughter
2. Honesty

Two of your favorite things to do:
1. Shop
2. Eat out

Two things you want really badly at the moment:
1. To find the form I need for tomorrow morning
2. My headache to go away

Two things I did last night:
1. Ate cheese dip at La Cazuela
2. Watched garbage entertainment specials on VH1

Two things you ate today:
1. Baby carrots with lite ranch dressing
2 . Turkey sub from Subway

Two people you last talked to:
1. Bert
2. Mama

Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1. Going to work
2. Meeting girlfriends after work

Two longest car rides:
1. Washington, DC to Starkville, MS
2. Starkville, MS to Orlando, FL

Two favorite holidays:
1. Of course...MY BIRTHDAY!!!
2. Thanksgiving

Two favorite beverages:
1. Diet Cherry 7Up
2. Water

Two things about me you may not have known:
1. I was voted Quietest Girl in my first grade class
2. I hate the "Shrek" movies. WHY would you choose to be an ogre?

Two jobs I have had in my life:
1. Public Relations Coordinator
2. Congressional Aide

Two places I have lived in the U.S.
1. Washington, DC
2. Starkville, MS

Two of my favorite foods:
1. Cheese pizza from Papa John's
2. Lindt chocolate


posted by Anisa @ 6:44 PM | 5 comments

Friday, October 19, 2007


I accidentally flagged my own blog for "objectionable content." I was trying to search for something and...oops!

Blogger, if you came to check out my blog to see if I'm naughty, I promise I am not objectionable! :)


posted by Anisa @ 10:51 AM | 3 comments

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I Heart Guster

Tuesday night, Bert and I went to a little hole-in-the wall music venue here. I guess the place holds about 500 people and it was jam-packed for one of our absolute favorite bands, GUSTER! If you are not familiar with this band, I highly encourage you to purchase the CD "Keep It Together." It is AMAZING. From there, you will be hooked.

Anyway, the night started out about 8:30pm when we got downtown. I was running late because I had spent two hours after work trying to find the perfect top to wear. You can't see it, but it has cats, mushrooms and a backwards clock. Perfection. Well, we got there and decided to walk upstairs where there was seating. We were in the front row up there. So great.

The first band played...Brett Dannen. I swear the lead singer looked like the guy from The Mask (not with Jim Carrey; with Cher) and the lead guitarist looked like Todd from "Wedding Crashers." Freaky stuff. "The painting was a gift, Todd!" I had to yell.

They were actually pretty good.

Finally at 9:00pm, Guster took the stage. I was beyond excited. The concert was great, I danced my butt off and I knew almost all the words. And those that I didn't know, I made up.

The concert was over after two amazing encores around 11:30pm. But I was not ready for it to be over.

Guster has a reputation of coming out after shows and mingling with the crowd. And I decided that I needed to take a chance of meeting them. After all, I had heard they were super nice, so I wasn't scared they were going to be jerks and ruin their music for me.

So, we went to the car, I grabbed a CD and a hot pink Sharpie and headed inside. As I walked toward the stage, Bert asked me what in the world I was doing.

"It's fine; they will let me meet Guster. I convinced Hector to let me meet Dennis Quaid, so I know I can do this," I said in all seriousness.

Long story, folks. Long story.

Anyway, at that moment, the lead singer Ryan Miller came out. I walked right up to him and asked him to sign my CD. Then, I asked if we could take a picture.

"I promise it's in my purse," I said as I dug through mounds of nonsense in my bronze bag.

"Hey, it's down there in that deep abyss and all we've got is time," he said.

So cool.

At that moment, Bert walked up with his ticket stub for Ryan to sign.

"This is my husband, Bert, and I am Anisa," I said.

He then gave Bert a giant hug and me a high five. I am thinking he was so happy that someone actually just loves their music and wasn't hitting on him. I mean, giant hug for Bert.


Ryan said, "Family photo!!" and then took our picture (above).

It was so.much.fun. What a fantastic night...

Update: Dennis Quaid story is linked here. Enjoy!

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posted by Anisa @ 3:53 PM | 4 comments

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Coming Soon: A Much-Needed Vacation!

In less than two weeks, Bert and I will be at this cabin we rented in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Hopefully the leaves will be in their autumnal glory. I am so looking forward to this.

And by the time we leave to go on our trip, I will be done with my mid-term (tomorrow...wish me luck!) and a paper I have due in school. And, I will be finished with another set of crazy projects at work. I just wish I could fast-forward to October 26!!

On a good note, we are going to see Guster on Tuesday...one of our favorite bands that is performing downtown. And in general, despite the crazy busy-ness, life is good. I am blessed.

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posted by Anisa @ 1:02 PM | 6 comments

Monday, October 08, 2007


Life is insane.

School, work, life in general...just crazy.

I am still here, just trying to catch my breath.
posted by Anisa @ 9:30 PM | 3 comments