Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Three Out of Four Stars
I normally don't like black and white movies, but for some reason, late last night I was sucked into AMC. I was flipping the channels at 10:30pm, about to turn it off at any moment as my NyQuil was kicking in. I love "the Quil." Anyway, for some strange reason, I was sucked into the movie, "The Children's Hour" starring Audrey Hepburn, Shirley MacLaine and James Garner. The movie is about an all-girls school run by Hepburn and MacLaine, and one of the girls who is very bad starts saying that the teachers are lesbians. Yes, lesbians...I was in shock! I couldn't believe they tackled that topic in 1961 in a black and white film. They never used the world lesbian or homosexual or anything...but it was clear what the accusation had been.*SPOILER ALERT BELOW*
And so, the teacher's lives are ruined, all the girls leave the school and the teachers never even leave the house anymore. Finally, the fact that the accusation was a lie comes out, but it's too late. MacLaine had moments before admitted to Hepburn that she DOES love her "in that way" and kills herself. Although Hepburn's reputation is restored, it is a sad, sad film.
The movie was very interesting and I stayed up way too late watching it. It gave me a lot to think about - how lies can ruin lives and the stigmas people deal with for being different. I am glad we live in a time now where people wouldn't be ostracized from society for being different. At least, I hope that's how the world is today...but I still think we have a ways to go.
Labels: movies
Friday, June 22, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me!
I sang karaoke for the first time in my life Wednesday night. It was on my life to-do list, and so today I can be a 27 year old who has sang karaoke. Two of my co-workers and close friends (Kathleen and Misha) are both leaving today. We went out to celebrate our friendship...oh how I will miss them!
Today is a good day. I have a lot of love in my life. I am blessed with family and friends that are such positive influences and make me a better person each and every day.
Here's to a fantastic year!
Labels: birthday
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Happy Birthday, Uncle Javed!
When I was younger, my sister and I would spend most every day after school at my grandmother's house. We would ride the bus and Ammi would meet us at the top of the hill and walk us down the picturesque street to her home. My second home. And each and every afternoon, I would see my Uncle Javed.Uncle Javed is my mom's youngest sibling, and nine years older than me. We fought like brother and sister. I remember how every afternoon, he would eat cereal out of one of Ammi's dark yellow tall glasses. At that time, he was very into stocks and futures, so he would want to watch CNBC, while I wanted to watch "Saved by the Bell" and "Full House." Ammi always made him turn it and saved me from watching that horribly boring ticker scroll continuously at the bottom of the screen. Usually at this point, when I got to watch my kid shows, he would go to his room and play on his electric guitar. He was self-taught, and my sister (Sara) and I would often go stand outside of his room and listen to him play. I still like Kiss because of him. Sometimes, out in the hallway, we would even dance. As soon as we heard the music stop, we would run as fast as we could back to the living room so he wouldn't know how much we cared.
I remember when I was sick, I would stay at Ammi's. To this day, the thought of the old vampire show, "Dark Shadows" soothes me. That's what Uncle Javed used to watch in the mornings while I was sick and lying on the couch. Goodness, it really seems like all this happened just yesterday.
He used to say that when I was a baby, he dropped me in the toilet. I would say that was a joke, but to this day, I have no idea if that was true or not.
One time, I rode back from Atlanta to Mississippi with him. I guess I was in junior high at this point, and I begged him to somehow take me to see "Interview With A Vampire." My parents wouldn't let me see it, and this came out when my love for Brad Pitt was at an all-time high. I almost talked Uncle Javed into it, but alas he wouldn't take me. I remember how we stopped on the way back so he could buy a Pittsburgh Steelers jacket. That was my first lesson about credit. Uncle Javed paid for the jacket with his credit card and told me how he rarely used his card, but every once in a while you should use it and pay off the entire balance to build up your credit.
When Uncle Javed got married years ago, I couldn't hold back my tears. I have never cried at a wedding the way I did as his. It was the kind of crying where your throat hurts and you don't want anyone to see you, but finally you give in. His wife Deena is lovely and they are a perfect match; I wasn't crying about that. I was crying because I knew things would never be the same. Of course most of us grow up, get married and have children, but it was hard to watch Uncle Javed grow up. All of a sudden, I missed our afternoons. It was then that I realized how much I cared about him.
And so, his birthday is on Saturday, June 16. This is my gift to him. I couldn't have asked for a better uncle. He was an important presence in my young life, and I am very proud of him and all he has accomplished. He also has three beautiful children, and the youngest one is a baby boy that looks exactly like Uncle Javed's baby pictures. Perhaps there will be glimpses of us as his children grow and fight and care for one another.
Life is different now, but he will always be dear to me. Happy Birthday, Uncle Javed! May God continue to bless your life in the coming year and always.
Labels: family
Monday, June 11, 2007
Watch this for a great laugh. You will hear a grown man scream in horror as Paris' sentence is announced and onlookers tell him to "SHUT UP!" Seriously, you would think this man just found out that the world had come to an end. I'm all about some "Free Paris," but this is over.the.top.
Labels: celebs
Sunday, June 10, 2007
This And That
First of all, congratulations to the Mississippi State baseball team for making it to the College World Series! I am very proud to be a Bulldog. :)Secondly, congratulations to me for losing 5 lbs. in 2 weeks and to Bert for losing 10.
And now, I have another home tip I want to share. Last night, Bert and I were getting ready to go to a cookout, and the shorts I wanted to wear were soaking wet in the washing machine. I remembered how I once read that if you put the item of clothing you need with a dry towel in the dryer, it will dry quickly. Seriously, the shorts were ready in only 10 minutes! And they were soaking when I put them in and super hot when I took them out. And it only took 10 minutes, so it's not a big waste of power. And then I was happy because I could wear my cute new shirt and feel fabulous.
Have a great week, everyone!
Labels: random
Friday, June 08, 2007
Happy Anniversary!
Happy 28th wedding anniversary to my wonderful parents, Tommy and Rani! Mama and Daddy, I have learned so much from both of you, and I wish you many, many more happy years together. Thank you for being such a wonderful example of commitment to each other. I love to see how you grow closer each and every year, as that is how it should be. Much love to you both.Labels: family
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Deep Thoughts
So, as I'm sure all of you know, Paris Hilton has been released from jail. I would by no means describe myself as a Paris Hilton fan, but I must say I really feel sorry for her. I am a big believer that you cannot judge another person until you walk in their shoes. What would I be like if I was born into her filthy rich family and became famous at such a young age? Who knows. I can't pretend to know because I really don't have a clue.Some people laugh about her 3 day stint in jail. She was in isolation for 23 out of 24 hours of every day in a tiny, nasty little room only accompanied by her own thoughts. Surely that would be enough to teach anyone a lesson. And Paris isn't out completely free -- she has been sentenced to 40 days of house arrest. And I'm sure there's plenty of probation after that. No matter how lavish the home, I am sure it would be tough to not be able to leave it for 40 days.
People that commit heinous crimes roam free in our society. People in every town in America live in poverty most of us cannot imagine, starving and without healthcare. We have a war going on where innocent civilians die daily. Perhaps our attention would be better spent being outraged about something else.
Anyway, yes, I am sure Paris needed a reality check and I think she probably got just that. I think her time in jail will leave a lasting impression. Perhaps I am wrong, but I'm not ready to hang her just yet.
Labels: celebs
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Thanks for the idea, Laura!I can see Austin and Atlanta for sure, but I am not a fan of the city of Miami! Weird.
American Cities That Best Fit You: |
75% Austin 60% Atlanta 60% Honolulu 60% Miami 55% Denver |
Labels: meme
Monday, June 04, 2007
Behold! The Power of the Shark
I've never really done a blog that was essentially advertising for a product, but I am seriously in love with my latest purchase. I must share the knowledge, the power, the wonder of...the Shark.The story begins with my nearly three-year old Dustbuster that was dying. You know what I am talking about...you keep it on its charger and one day it starts lasting no longer than 5 minutes. You just don't get it - you keep it charged all the time! Well, my electrical engineer daddy told me that would kill my Dustbuster, but I didn't listen. And dangit, he was right. So, remember this - let your hand-held vacs die before charging them again. Charge them fully, let them die, charge them fully, let them die. Follow that cycle and your electrics will have a much, much longer life.
Anyway, Macy's sent me a $10 gift certificate for my birthday (coming up June 22!) and I decided that I would spent it on a new hand-held vacuum. What a great decision. Bert and I decided on one that was consistently highly rated (and a reasonable price too!). Little did I know the joy that was in store.
After 20 agonizing hours of charging my new purchase, it was finally time to sweep. I swept some little piles in the kitchen and dining room and took out my beautiful new Shark. It did a good job, but I didn't understand the true fuss - just yet. Yes, I loved the powerful charge. Yes, it got up the dirt, but the true joy was still in store.
Matty, our precious cat, loves to take naps on our futon in the study. The cloth cover is tan and really shows his hair. Every week, I have to use about 10 sheets of lint roller paper to get up most of the hair. The shark, with it's awesome (included) motorized brush attachment, got up ALL the hair in under two minutes. And on the couch, where I couldn't get up all the tiny little fuzzies from using blankets, it made my red couch look vibrant again.
Yes, I am being melodramatic. But seriously, this is a great product, especially for you pet lovers! If you are looking for a new hand-held vacuum, look no further!